I was at our local Woodcraft store the other day, and while my bride sat patiently in the car I rummaged through their router bits looking for just the right one. As I made my way to the checkout I was stopped dead in my tracks by a special that was on an end cap.
Until the end of October they have sets of 170 titanium nitride coated brad point drill bits for $39! This is 1/2 price, or if you prefer, 50% off.
The set has 5 - 10 bits of each size: 1⁄16", 5⁄64", 3⁄32", 7⁄64", 1⁄8", 9⁄64", 5⁄32", 11⁄64", 3⁄16", 13⁄64", 7⁄32", 15⁄64", 1⁄4", 17⁄64", 9⁄32", 5⁄16", 21⁄64", 11⁄32" & 3⁄8"
The set is in a nice box, and it also includes a drill size gauge.
I'm not usually a sucker for TiN coated bits, because I've seen too many sets at Harbor Freight where the manufacturer obviously coats the bits that have the worse edges in order to hide their sins. What a scam! They take their scraps and put 50 cents of electroplating on them and charge a premium! Anyway, TiN coatings help to reduce heat on the cutting edge for increased bit life, and this Woodcraft set looks very nice.
They also have a set of standard metal-drilling bits at half price. Take a look at these sets at Woodcraft.com
Sale ends October 30th. Don't ask me why it's not through the 31st.
Until the end of October they have sets of 170 titanium nitride coated brad point drill bits for $39! This is 1/2 price, or if you prefer, 50% off.
The set has 5 - 10 bits of each size: 1⁄16", 5⁄64", 3⁄32", 7⁄64", 1⁄8", 9⁄64", 5⁄32", 11⁄64", 3⁄16", 13⁄64", 7⁄32", 15⁄64", 1⁄4", 17⁄64", 9⁄32", 5⁄16", 21⁄64", 11⁄32" & 3⁄8"
The set is in a nice box, and it also includes a drill size gauge.
I'm not usually a sucker for TiN coated bits, because I've seen too many sets at Harbor Freight where the manufacturer obviously coats the bits that have the worse edges in order to hide their sins. What a scam! They take their scraps and put 50 cents of electroplating on them and charge a premium! Anyway, TiN coatings help to reduce heat on the cutting edge for increased bit life, and this Woodcraft set looks very nice.
They also have a set of standard metal-drilling bits at half price. Take a look at these sets at Woodcraft.com
Sale ends October 30th. Don't ask me why it's not through the 31st.