Channel: EMMERT Patternmakers Bench Vise and Lion Miter Trimmer Hunter's Blog (Click to Return to Main Page)

DOSH Miter Trimmer For Sale


Dosh miter trimmers were made from the early 1900's until the early 1970's and were a close copy to the Lion Trimmer. This one looks nice and clean. Ends Jan 27th


Here's a 25 year old POOTATUCK Corp LION MITER TRIMMER which is like new in its original box. Available until Jan 30th.

American Machine Co Miter Trimmer for Sale


First off, I don;t know what the deal is with the eBay photo below, but the pics on the listing look just fine. Well, that really depends on what you mean by fine. This is one of the roughest looking Miter Trimmers I've ever seen, but if you you are a collector of American Machine brand it could be the buy of your life. Please don't bid on this unless you are very mechanically inclined! Listing ends Jan 27th.

Pootatuck #4 Universal Cutter Lion Miter Trimmer for Sale

Here's a Pootatuck Lion Trimmer, aka #4 Universal Cutter. It looks like it's had some rust, so you might want to study the close-up photos before you bid. Auction ends Jan 30th.

Emmert Type T3.2 Turtleback Patternmaker Vise for Sale

Here's an Emmert Type T3.2 Turtleback Patternmaker Vise for Sale. The cover has a crack in it, but this is a part which often comes up for sale on eBay. Note: It looks like it might be missing the tilt adjuster bar, so before you bid ask the seller if this part exists. If not it's not the end of the world, but you won't be able to use your new vise until you get one. Opening price is $599.

Yost Turtleback Pattern Makers Vise for Sale


Here's an Yost Patternmakers vise for sale in an eBay Store, which means it's for sale at a fixed price with no deadline. It's what is called a turtleback vise, which adjusts at the turn of a knob. I first listed this link back in Nov 2007, so a note to the seller about considering a lower listing price might be in order.

Bridgeport Universal Miter Trimer No. 4 for Sale

Here's a Bridgeport Universal Mitre Trimmer No. 4 which was listed on eBay a few weeks back, but it didn't get a winning bid so now it's in an eBay store at the fixed price of $289.
This has been sitting around for a while and the seller has the "Make Offer" button activated, so you might be able to get this for a steal!

Emmert Paternmakers Vise for Sale

The owner of this vise claims that it is in very good condition. It's a Universal Patternmakers Vise by Emmert Mfg. Co. of Waynesboro, PA. This vise has been used on a home workbench for the past 40 years. Vise jaws open to 12+ inches and rotates 180 degrees to use the small jaws. It also tilts up 90 degrees and the jaws are adjustable to clamp pieces that are not parallel. The measurements are 18" by 7" and it weighs about 65 pounds. There are no cracks or problems with this vise. Paypal accepted for payment.
Shipping may be in two packages to keep weight under UPS maximum of 70 lbs. OR pick up near Roanoke, VA and save the shipping charges.
Sold on eBay for $227.50 +$125 S&H on April 3rd 2008.

Emmert No. 2 Universal Pattern Makers Vise for Sale


Here's an Emmert K-16 No. 2 Universal Patternmaker’s Vise which is for sale on eBay.
Quoting the listing: "This is a number 2 pattern maker’s vise, model K-16, made by Emmert Mfg. Co. of Waynesboro, PA, in good used condition. The jaws measure 5 inches by 14 inches, with a pair of steel-faced jaws and a pair of retractable dogs. The jaws can be tapered for non-parallel workpieces by raising or lowering the handle, and the vise can be pivoted or tilted up and down (the tilt bar and stanchion are missing, however). There are no cracks or welds in the vise. I don’t know what color the vise was originally, but it is light green now. The vise works well, but could use a lube. "

Sold on eBay for $384.75 + $50 S&H on April 3rd 2008

Emmert No. 2 Universal Pattern Makers Vise for Sale

Here's what greed will get ya. The opening bid ($470) is just about what I would expect this vise to be after about 5 days on an eBay listing, but if the seller had started it at $99. By day 7 the price would be closer to $600. Now a bunch of folks who could have been watching this item will not. It's a shame. Now it may not even sell, or if it does, it won't be for much more than the opening price. Watch and learn.

Sold on eBay with one bid only (see, I told ya) for $470.00 + $60 S&H on April 8th 2008.

Emmert K-1 Patternmakers Vise For Sale

Somehow I missed the final value on this one.

Emmert T4 Turtleback Patternmakers Vise for Sale

Emmert T5 Turtleback Patternmakers Vise for Sale

POOTATUCK LION NO.4 UNIVERSAL Miter / Mitre Trimmer for Sale

Lion Miter Trimmer Clone for Sale


Here's a clone of the famous Lion Trimmer which was sold through an eBay Store for $149 + $50 Shipping on Dec 13th 2007.

Here's a link to the same eBay seller who seems to have an endless supply, but take note that though the eBay ad below indicates that the shipping cost is $30, shipping into the USA is $50.

Nice Lion Miter Trimmer Clone for Sale

Patent Art Print of the Original Lion Trimmer

Spring 2009 is starting to look like a great time to find an Emmert Vise!

I received a phone call from one of my friends this morning and have been giddy all day. The call started very somber. He reminded me about his life-long friend who passed away earlier this year, and how we talked about his responsibility to his buddy to help his widow get top dollar for his shop tools. Well, what I didn't count on was that his friend remembered him in his will; and my buddy remembered me as he loaded my new T2 Emmert vise into his truck! Yes, it's going to cost me, but the cause is noble and the vise sounds sweet. I'll let you know more when it arrives.

Another interesting development is there seems to be a non-stop supply of Emmerts on eBay this season. As I type this there are no less than 5 of them at auction, so if you act now you might even have your vise before I get mine! Emmert Patern Makers Vise's for sale on eBay

UPDATE Dec 11th 2009
The post above was written May 5th 2009 and believe it or I received the Emmert vise mentioned above just this week. Rather than ship it we used a network of friends and coworkers to pass the vise from Texas to Alabama, to Atlanta, to Greensboro and finally to High Point! I was in no rush because I've been traveling a lot for work and I also don't have a bench that will support it! The one dissapointing thing is that it has a chunk of cast iron missing from the mounting plate. I'll have to look for a replacement, or perhaps find someone who can repair it without warping it. We'll see.

New Iron Hand Emmert Vise Caps, Shirts and Shop Aprons!

We've just added some cool Emmert Vise caps, coffee mugs and stuff to a new Zazzle store. Check it out and drop some hints for Fathers Day!

Click on the Pic to Biggie-Size it

If you don't know this my bride has been operating a web site for almost 10 years welling restored US Patent Art Prints, and we are slowly betting around to adding some of the best of them to shirts, mugs, shop aprons and more. Click on this clever link: Emmert-Lion-Tool-Hunter Shirts, Mugs and Stuff Make sure you leave the store open on your computer as a subtle hint for Father's Day.

Looking for a great deal on an Emmert K-1 Pattern Maker Universal Vise?

Wouldn't you know that right after buying my new Emmert vise another fine looking specimen drops into my lap! Well, not exactly MY lap, but the lap of a reader of this blog who isn't comfortable with selling on eBay. If you are in the market for an Emmert and either live in the Buffalo NY area, or don't mind paying shipping, you could pick this one up for $550. Drop me an email and I'll put you in touch.

100Years of woodworking technology in a single photo

My bro-worker Brisco just sent me this photo, which he snapped in a cabinet shop he visited this week. He knew I was a tool-nerd and wondered if I knew what it was. "Oh course" I said. "I even have a blog dedicated to them!" This further confirmed my neediness.

It was only after I studied the photo that I realized what a gem it was.

What do you notice?

Front and center is a Dosch miter trimer, which was patented in 1900; but around it are a few of the most modern tools in the woodshop.
  • A wooden box with a Lamello biscuit joiner.
  • Several cordless drills.
  • A stack of edge banding for use on the edge of melamine particle board.
  • A "Systainer" from Festool which contains "Domino" tenons for the Domino machine.
  • To the immediate left of the miter trimmer is a shop-made fixture for routing a mortise.
What a great photo Brisco. Keep 'em coming!

Click the pic to Biggie-size it.

New Gerstner Tool Chest Blog

Yes, it's absolutely true that I need another blog like I need another hole in my head; but that doesn't seem to stop me, does it?   As a Dayton boy there are several local companies that you just know.  There's Shopsmith, NCR, Mead, Standard Register, Delco, and more.  The city of Dayton is even promoting these home-grown companies with a new "Dayton Patented" promotion.  
As a woodworker Shopsmith stands out as a great supplier of tools, but H. Gerstner & Sons is the pinnacle of craftsmanship.  They've made machinist's tool chest from wood since 1906!  I've been shopping for them for some time, and like this blog I've started a blog to make it easy for me to store my refined eBay search links and other data that I've collected over the years.  Some of the links on the blog will lead to tool chests from resellers like Woodcraft and Amazon, and other links will be to tool chest plans and parts.  

Drop by http://gerstner-tool-chest-hunter.blogspot.com and check it out. 


WoodRiver Emmert Vise Clone from Woodcraft

I get asked from time to time where folks can purchase a good Emmert clone, and one of the best buys is from Woodcraft.  This vise is clean, smooth through all it's functions, and available from the Woodcraft web site as well as in most of their stores.

Click this link to Buy the Woodriver Vise Emmert Vise Clone from Woodcraft

Wilton Universal Turret Paternmaker Vise

In 1959 Wilton invented what they called the Wilton Universal Turret Vise, which is in essence a Patternmakers vise.  It had two jaws that swiveled into place on the turret to allow the user to hold large items for woodworking, or with a flip metal working or even pipe clamping jaws could b called into action.  The patent was finally granted in 1961, but by then the vise had already been on the market a year.  I suppose that's what the term "Patent Pending" is all about. 

What are they worth?  I think because they are so rare very few people know about them, so they either sell for $20 or $150!  It's crazy and there is no rhyme or reason to the pricing.

Check www.PatentPlaceUSA.com for a copy of the US Patent reproduced on Southworth parchment paper.

Click this link to see Wilton Universal Paternmaker's Vise for sale on eBay at this moment. (Don't hold your breath! They are rare as hens teeth.)

Click this link to see all the Wilton vises for sale on eBay at this moment.  This will return a LOT of vices, because Wilton has been a prolific manufacturer of vises.

What's this blog all about? Connecting Emmert Patternmakers Vises and Lion Miter Trimmers with New Owners!

The purpose of this blog is to document the current "Street Prices" of Patternmakers Vises, as well as the famous Lion Miter Trimmer. Additionally we will post links to current eBay auctions for these tools should you be ready to join the club.

First designed and patented by Joseph Emmert in 1891, the amazing new "Universal" Patternmakers vises found great favor among the Patternmakers trade and was promoted as "The Iron Hand" and "The Peer of All Woodwrker's Vises". At one time, Pattern Making was the highest art that a young tradesman could aspire to. Patternmakers would produce the wooden "patterns" used in sand molds from which metallic items were cast in.

Patternmakers were often called upon to produce some extremely complicated wooden patterns which had to be executed to thousandths of an inch! Sadly, most of the old pattern shops are now closed down and patterns are now being produced by CNC machines.

On July 15, 1919, Victor Koontz, (an employee of Emmert), was granted a rather elaborate 7 page patent for improvements to the Pattern Makers Vise, and although this patent addresses a number of different issues, the two most notable improvements over the old turtleback vises is the much more durable large concentric disc on the front that controls the tilting front jaw and the newly designed rear hub that allows locking the rotating jaws in at any desired location throughout their full 360 degrees of rotation.

The front jaw tilts in both directions to accommodate tapers. Both jaws rotate 360 degrees and can be locked in any desired location and the whole jaw assembly can be tilted upwards 90 degrees and locked in where needed. When tilted a full 90 degrees, the jaws are parallel with the bench top. Sweet!

The patternmakers vise inspired many copies over the years, including those made by Oliver, Wilton and even Stanley. In recent years Taiwanese clones of the smaller #2 have been sold by companies like Woodcraft and AMT, and a totally new version was introduced by Lee Valley, called the Tucker Vise. The Tucker vise added a quick release to the front jaw, and the unit was lightened by the use of Space-aged alloys which turned out to be stronger than the original cast iron monsters.

The Loin Miter Trimmer is one of those tools that looks like it's time has past. O'contraire mon frère! At first glance most folks get the misimpression that this tool is used to cut miters, but actually it is used in unison with a saw. Sort of the way a jointer is used to straighten the edge of a board prior to ripping it to width, the miter trimmer takes a board and trims the end of a miter to a precise miter, and leaves a glass-smooth surface in the process.

The Original Lion Trimmer is still made in the USA by The Pootatuck Lion Trimmer Company, as it has been since 1925!

Just like the Emmert vise, in recent years the Lion Trimmer has been extensively copied in Asia, but prior to the The Pootatuck Lion Trimmer Company, they were made by many companies such as Oliver, Fox and even Emmert. You'll find links to both old and new Trimmers and Vises, so bookmark us now and check back often.

NEW POOTATUCK Loin Miter Trimmer For Sale


How about a brand new Lior Trimmer? Here's an original POOTATUCK brand Miter Trimmer (AKA Mitre Trimmer) for sale. Listing ends Jan 27th